
Information on how to apply for a visa to the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Via ASAN Visa system (e -visa) you can apply for a single entry visa valid for 30 days within 3 working days, as the ASAN Visa is the most convenient and cheapest way to get visa to the Republic of Azerbaijan. 

Also now the foreigners have the opportunity to get urgent single visas valid for 30 days to the Republic of Azerbaijan within 3 hours regardless of non-working days and holidays.

For further information visit


Working hours of the Consular Office are from Monday to Friday

From 10:00hrs to 12:00hrs


Types of visas

Entry visas are issued on a single and multiple entry basis only.

  • Single entry (validity from 3 to 90 days)

  • Multiple entry (validity up to 5 years)

Transit visas are issued on a single or double entry basis only.

Official visa 

Business, Labour, Education, Cultural, Sport and Tourist visas

Private visit visa

Transit visa


NOTICE: According to the Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the facilitation of the issuance of visas the fees for processing the visa application are waived for following categories of persons:

  • For close relatives: spouses, children, parents, grandparents and grand-children – of citizens of the EU legally residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

  • For members of official delegations.

  • For pupils, students, post-graduate students and accompanying teachers travelling for educational purposes.

  • For persons with disabilities and persons accompanying them (if necessary).

  • For participants in international sports events.

  • For persons participating in scientific, cultural activities.

  • For persons travelling on humanitarian grounds (urgent medical treatment, funeral and etc.).

  • For representatives of civil society organizations when travelling for the purpose of educational training, seminars, conferences.

  • For pensioners.

  • For children under the age of 12.

  • For journalists and technical crew.


In accordance with article 36 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the following documents are required for visa issuance:

36.1.1. Sample of application form approved by an appropriate authority of executive power (a sample is attached). This application form can be filled out through Visa application portal;

36.1.2. Passport or another travel document (a validity period of a passport or other travel document should exceed a validity period of an expected visa at least by 3 months) and copies of their main pages;

36.1.3. Two color photographs (3x4cm) matching with biometric identification requirements;

36.1.4. A copy of medical insurance certificate (if a host does not undertake to pay for medical services);

36.1.5. A document certifying payment of a state fee for visa issuance;

36.1.6. Application submitted by a party inviting a foreigner and a stateless person to the Republic of Azerbaijan, a sample (a sample is attached) of which is approved by an appropriate authority of the executive power, a registered copy of a certificate (for non-governmental organizations), a document proving the purpose of an invitation (these documents are not required for transit, tourism, official and personal travel visas);

36.1.6-1. A copy of the state registration certificate if a party inviting a foreigner or stateless person to the Republic of Azerbaijan is a non-governmental organization;

36.1.6-2. A document confirming the reason for the invitation (these documents are not required for transit, tourism and personal travel visas)

36.1.7. Relevant documents set forth in articles 25-34 of this Code, depending on the purpose of travel.

36.2. In addition to the documents set forth in article 36.1 of this Code a notarized copy of a birth certificate, permission of parents or a legitimate representative and copies of identification documents are required for issuance of visa to foreigners and stateless persons under 18 holders of a passport traveling without his/her parent or a legitimate representative.

36.3. An amount of a state fee for visa issuance is determined by an appropriate law of the Republic of Azerbaijan. State fee for visa issuance is not reimbursed regardless of the result of the processing of applications.

Attention! A validity period of a passport or other travel document should exceed a validity period of an expected visa at least by 3 months.

Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days must be registered at the place of residence.


Visa processing rules

  1. Foreigner and a stateless person should apply for visa personally or through his/her representative to the diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the country that he/she lives or in the third country.
  2. Foreigners and stateless persons can get a visa in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the cases stipulated by the relevant executive government authority.
  3. Visa application can be done through an electronic application form.
  4. List of documents required for the visa issuance, form of the application-questionnaire, information on the amount and payment of the state fee, as well as the information regarding the visa issuance to foreigners and stateless persons who are living in the countries with no diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan can be found on the official web sites of the relevant executive government authority, official web sites of the diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan and information boards located in front of their buildings which can be clearly seen.
  5. Visa issuance is done by the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System.
  6. Visa application of foreigners and stateless persons is considered no later than fifteen days from the date of application and within two working days at the latest in the cases stipulated by the relevant executive government authority, as well as if the travel of foreigners and stateless persons is due to urgent treatment or severe illness or death (by the submission of the document confirming these facts) of a close relative living in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  7. The information is entered to the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System and confirmed with the enhanced electronic signature after checking of the accuracy of the visa application form and completeness of the required documents by the diplomatic representation or consulate.
  8. The accuracy and completeness of the information is checked by the relevant executive government authority, compared with the restriction lists of the “Entry-Exit and Registration” Interagency Automated Data-Search System, obtained opinion of the relevant executive government authority for the purpose of compliance and the final opinion is sent to the diplomatic mission or consulate depending on the results of these processes while considering the visa issuance.     
  9. In the case of visa application acceptance diplomatic representation or consulate provides individualization, issuance, and registration of the visa form.      
  10. The visa application will be rejected and the previously issued visa will be canceled in the cases stipulated in article 16.1 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Repeated application will be considered after the elimination of the factors causing refusal.
  11. According to the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan foreigners and stateless persons can complain administratively and/or apply to the court due to procrastination during the visa issuance process or visa refusal.  
  12. Issuance of electronic visas to foreigners and stateless persons arriving in the Republic of Azerbaijan is regulated with article 38 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan more than 15 days should be registered at the place of residence.


Documents required for the invitation of a foreigner or stateless person by a legal entity:

  • Application of the party that invites foreigner and stateless person to the Republic of Azerbaijan (an example is attached, 2 copies).
  • Letter from the legal entity. The letter is sent to the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the visa (business, labor, science or education, treatment, humanitarian, culture and sport), duration of the invitation (180 days for business, 60 days for culture and sport, 90 days for other purposes can be defined), visa`s entry numbers (single or multiple), the name of the diplomatic mission that the foreigner or stateless person will apply for visa must be mentioned in the letter.
  • Copy of the legal documents of the legal person (registration certificate TIN, Property Deed).
  • Passport copy of the foreigner or stateless person who is invited.
  • Copy of the document confirming the authority of the representative (power of attorney) when documents are submitted through a representative of a legal entity.
  • Copy of the ID card of the representative when documents are submitted through a representative of a legal entity.
  • Receipt of the state fee (4 AZN) payment for the invitation.
  • Note: - According to Article 16.1.5 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Duty", for sending foreigners and stateless persons with the relevant order by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan for visa issuance at diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan - 4 AZN state fee is charged.

    Payment of the state fee to be made in the following ways:

    1. Via the “Government Payment Portal” in a bank.

    Note: When making a payment, indicate the name of the state agency (Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Budget Payments) and the type of payment (142241- for instructing Embassies and Consulates on the issuance of visas).

    1. Via the internet information resources ( of the ‘'Government Payment Portal".

    Note: Payment to be made in the following consequent steps:

    • entering into the internet information resources ( of the '‘Government Payment Portal";
    • passing through "All payments" → "Budget" → "Ministry of Foreign Affairs” section;
    • applicant to enter the Taxpayer Identification Number (TİN) or Identity card number;
    • clause "142241- For sending instructions to Embassies and Consulates for the issuance of visas" to be added;
    • payment to be completed after entering details of the plastic debit card;
    • receipt to be printed.
    1. Via the bank account details of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Annex 1).

      Documents are received by the following address: the Waiting room for citizens located at the rear side of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Sh. Gurbanov street, 50, Baku, AZ1009.

      Reception of documents and submission of prepared documents: Monday, Wednesday and Friday (10:00 - 12:30).

      Attention! Foreigners or stateless persons temporarily residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan for more than 15 days must be registered at the place of residence.

State fee rates required for visa issuance and their payment procedures

  • In accordance with articles 16.1.6 and 16.1.7 of Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on “State fee”, foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are charged state fee for visa issuance at the following rates:

Single entry visa – USD 20

Multiple entry visas – USD 350

Transit visas – USD 20

List of countries

Attention! Foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan in a group are charged state fee individually for visa issuance.

Paying address:

In foreign countries – relevant account number ensured by diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Attention! In case of visa refusal state fee paid by an applicant is non-refundable.

Note: in accordance with article 4.8 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State fee”, when international treaties which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party to determine different provisions about duties from that of stipulated by this Law or by regulatory legal acts, then provisions of that international treaty must be applied.


In accordance with Article 16 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be prohibited in the following cases:

16.1.1. When it is required for national security or protection of public order or of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other persons;

16.1.2. When information is available that a person committed a crime against peace and humanity, act of terrorism, financing of terrorism, or she/he is a member of a transnational organized criminal group;

16.1.3. When a person was convicted for committing a crime against the citizens or interests (benefits) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, if his/her conviction was not served or withdrawn in the order established by law;

16.1.4. When a person was expelled from the Republic of Azerbaijan previously, if the period of restriction to enter the country did not expire;

16.1.5. When the stay of a person in the Republic of Azerbaijan is considered undesirable;

16.1.6. When a person violated the declared purpose of visit during the previous stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

16.1.7. When a person gave wrong information about him/herself or the purpose of his/her visit while submitting an application for entry to the Republic of Azerbaijan;

16.1.8. When a person fails to pay a fine (including the fee calculated) as an administrative sanction without expulsion from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan which is applied for violation of rules of stay and residence of foreigners and stateless persons in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

16.2. In cases provided for in Articles 16.1.6 and 16.1.7 of this Code, entry of foreigners and stateless persons to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be prohibited for 5 years.

16.3. In cases provided for in Article 16.1 of this Code, the information on foreigners and stateless persons shall be entered in the established order into the restrictions lists of the interdepartmental automated data research system “Entry-exit and registration” and after the elimination of the relevant grounds, the active status of that information shall be changed.

16.4. If persons indicated in Article 16.1.8 of this Code paid a fine (including the fee calculated) prohibition on their entry to the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be immediately lifted.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the exit of foreigners and stateless persons from the Republic of Azerbaijan can be temporarily restricted in the following cases:

17.1.1. When their exit is in conflict with the interest of ensuring national security – until this ground is eliminated;

17.1.2. When they are arrested or any measure of restraint is applied to them in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Azerbaijan – until release, expiration or cancellation of the measure of restraint;

17.1.3. When they are convicted – until completion of the major punishment established by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, or exemption from punishment, except for the case provided for in Article 17.1.5 of this Code;

17.1.4. When compulsory medical measures are applied to them in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Azerbaijan – until cancellation of applying compulsory medical measures;

17.1.5. When they are convicted conditionally or exempted from punishment conditionally earlier by imposing obligations provided for in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan - until the expiration of the probation period or non-served part of the sentence or until complete early cancellation of the conditional conviction or the obligations imposed;

17.1.5-1. when punishment against pregnant women and persons who have young children was postponed – until exemption from non-served part of a penalty under the court decision or termination of the remaining part of major punishment;

17.1.6. When there is a valid court decision on temporary restriction of their right to exit the country due to the reason of unjustified non-execution in the time limit set for voluntary execution of the writ issued on the basis of the court judgments, orders and administrative acts of the tax authorities to meet timely monetary requirements - until a decision is made to lift the restriction;

17.1.6-1. When there is a valid court decision on temporary restriction of their right to exit the country due to their failure to pay to the state budget the arrears and interest on the assessed taxes, the financial sanctions applied, the taxpayer's failure to fulfill the tax obligation within the timeframe established by the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan - until a decision is made to lift the restriction;

17.1.7. When they committed administrative offenses – until the implementation of administrative penalties applied to them.

17.2. Lack of preventive vaccinations in the order provided for by the legislation shall result in restriction of entry/exit of foreigners and stateless persons residing in the Azerbaijan Republic permanently to/from countries where preventive vaccinations are required in accordance with international health and sanitation rules or international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party.

17.3. In cases provided for in Articles 17.1 and 17.2 of this Code, the information on foreigners and stateless persons shall be entered in the established order into the restrictions lists of the interdepartmental automated data research system “Entry-exit and registration” and after the elimination of the relevant grounds, the active status of that information shall be changed.


Visa free countries

At present in accordance with bilateral intergovernmental agreements, a visa-free regime is being applied on the basis of reciprocity between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the following countries:


I group

  • Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the relevant foreign country holding diplomatic or service (or official/special) passport

Note: As part of the measures taken to combat the spread of coronavirus by some countries, there are cases of temporary suspension or restriction of the visa-free regime for holders of relevant passports. In this regard, citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who hold the relevant passport are advised to clarify the existing entry-exit and visa regimes before visiting a corresponding foreign country.

The list


II group

Countries with a visa-free regime for:

  • Citizens holding any type of valid passport giving a right to cross a border in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and relevant foreign country – as well as diplomatic, service (or official/special) or regular passport;
  • Also, citizens traveling with these persons, but not holding a valid passport, and whose photo, name, surname, patronymic officially indicated in their passports;
  • Stateless persons having relevant identification document that is given to especially stateless persons by the government bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan or by the relevant foreign country for border crossing purposes;
  • Citizens and stateless persons holding temporary border crossing document – repatriation certificate given to persons when the passport is lost, stolen, became worthless or validity period is expired for only to return for a short period to the country which is the citizen of or where he/she lives permanently.


Name of country                                                       

Period of visa-free stay between two countries


Republic of Belarus

90 days



90 days


Republic of Kazakhstan

90 days


Kyrgyz Republic

90 days


Republic of Moldova

90 days


Republic of Uzbekistan

90 days


Russian Federation

90 days


Republic of Tajikistan

90 days



90 days



90 days



30 days


Note: The citizens of the State of Qatar wishing to enter the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan to engage in educational or labor activities must obtain a visa in advance according to the national legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


United Arab Emirates

90 days







90 days

30 days

30 days


III group

At present visa free regime is being applied for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, holders of civil passports, on a unilateral basis within relevant period with the following countries:


Name of the country

Period of visa-free stay

in its territory



15 days



90 days


Bosnia and Herzegovina 90 days


Hong Kong

(special administrative territory of China –

only diplomatic and service passports)

14 days



(ordinary, diplomatic, service passports)

30 days












Exemption from state fees

In accordance with article 17.2 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 2001 “On State fee” the following category foreigners and stateless persons visiting the Republic of Azerbaijan are exempted from state fee:

 Members of government representation and official persons;

  • Representatives of international humanitarian organizations in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Studying and engaging in teaching activities with government support;
  • Traveling with defense line.

Citizens of the following countries are issued visas free of charge.

  1. For citizens holding an ordinary passport of Japan within 30 days;
  2. For citizens holding an ordinary passport of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan within 15 days.

In accordance with article 6 of the Agreement between the Republic of Azerbaijan and European Union “On facilitation of the issuance of visas”, duties for processing visa applications are applied in the following way:

  1. The fee for processing visa applications is EURO 35. The abovementioned amount may be reviewed again in accordance with a procedure stipulated in article 14 (4).
  2. Without prejudice to the 3rd paragraph, the following persons are exempted from the visa application processing fee:
  • Close relatives – husband or wife, children (including adopted children), parent (including guardians), grandpas, grandmothers and grandchildren of the citizens of European Union legally living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan legally living at Member States or the citizens of European Union living in the territory of Member State the citizen of which they are or the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Members of an official delegation, as well as permanent members participating in official meetings, consultations, negotiations or exchange programs, as well as events organized in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan or one of Member States, with the invitation sent to Member States, European Union or the Republic of Azerbaijan;
  • Pupils, students, doctorates and accompanying teachers traveling for exchange programs, as well as education and teaching courses and other school-related activities;
  • People with disabilities and when necessary persons accompanying them;
  • Participators of international sports events and persons professionally accompanying them;
  • People participating in cultural and art events including university and other exchange programs;
  • People submitting documents confirming the necessity of their travel, including urgent medical treatment, to participate at the funeral of a close relative and visit a close relative who is seriously ill and persons accompanying them;
  • Representatives of civil society organizations traveling for educational courses, seminars, conferences including exchange programs;
  • Pensioners;
  • Children under 12 years old;
  • Journalists and technical staff professionally accompanying them.
  1. When the Member States or the Republic of Azerbaijan cooperates with third party contractors for visa issuance, the third party contractor can charge fee for its services. This fee has to be proportionate to expenditures of third party contractors and must not be over than EURO 30. Member States and the Republic of Azerbaijan should provide the applicant with a right to send their applications directly to their consulates.

Third-party contractor executes its operations for a Union in accordance with Visa Code and fully observing legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Third-party contractor executes its operations for the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Member States.

Visa Application Portal

Visa Application Portal (

Visa Application Portal is designed to fill in the visa application online to submit to the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


According to the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan foreigner and a stateless person should apply for visa personally or through his/her representative to the diplomatic representations and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the country that he/she lives or in the third country.


Note: In accordance with the “Joint Declaration of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the People’s Republic of China on the establishment of a strategic partnership,” from 20 July 2024 to 20 July2025, for a period of 1 year, the citizens of the People’s Republic of China with a valid ordinary passport who wish to visit the Republic of Azerbaijan are exempted from the visa requirement. Within that period (1 year), citizens of the People’s Republic of China can visit the Republic of Azerbaijan 3 (three) times without a visa and stay up to 30 days each time.



Regarding the visit of Turkish citizens to Azerbaijan

From April 1, 2021, citizens of Azerbaijan and Turkey can travel to each teritory without a visa (90 days) with a biometric ID card.



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